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  1. Computer Things A brief introduction to interval arithmetic
  2. tonsky.me Local, first, forever
  3. Ludicity Synergy Greg
  4. Daniel Lemire's blog Performance tip: avoid unnecessary copies
  5. Computer Things Logic for Programmers Update
  6. Daniel Lemire's blog Validating gigabytes of Unicode strings per second… in C#?
  7. Deep Roots Programmers Should Never Trust Anyone, Not Even Themselves
  8. Ludicity I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again
  9. Weblog on marginalia.nu One year of solo dev, wrapping up the grant-funded work
  10. Articles on gingerBill Why People are Angry over Go 1.23 Iterators
  11. yield code(); Tips for improving your CV
  12. Notes on software development The limitations of LLMs, or why are we doing RAG?
  13. Hillel Wayne Composing TLA+ Specifications with State Machines
  14. Computer Things New blog post: Composing TLA+ Specifications
  15. </> htmx - high power tools for html htmx 2.0.0 has been released!
  16. Posts on A blog Abstractions Are The Best, Abstractions Are The Worst
  17. Anton Zhiyanov UUIDv7 in 33 languages
  18. tonsky.me Talk: Clj-reload: A smarter way to reload code @
  19. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's blog Plain text journaling
  20. Notes on software development Confusion is a muse
  21. Daniel Lemire's blog Rolling your own fast matrix multiplication: loop order and vectorization
  22. tonsky.me Talk: Clj-reload: A smarter way to reload code @ Clojure Berlin
  23. Anton Zhiyanov Modern SQLite: Delete limit
  24. Computer Things Nondeterminism in Formal Specification
  25. Anton Zhiyanov Funding my projects
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