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  1. Computer Things Logic for Programmers now in early access!
  2. Baldur Bjarnason's Notes on the Web Photos (8 July 2024)
  3. Baldur Bjarnason's Notes on the Web Links (8 July 2024)
  4. Notes on software development A reawakening of systems programming meetups
  5. Register Spill With Nothing to Do
  6. matklad Properly Testing Concurrent Data Structures
  7. Anton Zhiyanov Resetting timers in Go
  8. Daniel Lemire's blog Scan HTML faster with SIMD instructions: .NET/C# Edition
  9. Baldur Bjarnason's Notes on the Web AI and Asbestos: the offset and trade-off models for large-scale risks are inherently harmful
  10. Eli Bendersky's website Locally patching dependencies in Go
  11. consteval I Have No Constructor, and I Must Initialize
  12. flak enterprise social
  13. Linus Groh Kiesel Devlog #9: JavaScript on a Printer
  14. Ludicity On Burnout, Mental Health, And Not Being Okay
  15. Computer Things Solving a math problem with planner programming
  16. Evan Hahn's blog My programming beliefs as of July 2024
  17. Baldur Bjarnason's Notes on the Web New Web Development. Or, why Copilots and chatbots are particularly bad for modern web dev
  18. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's blog Cities need more trees
  19. Notes on software development A write-ahead log is not a universal part of durability
  20. Loris Cro's Personal Website Improving Your Zig Language Server Experience
  21. Eli Bendersky's website Summary of reading: April - June 2024
  22. newsletter on Odin Programming Language July 2024 Newsletter
  23. Posts on A blog A Bunch of Programming Advice I'd Give To Myself 15 Years Ago
  24. Daniel Lemire's blog How much memory does a call to ‘malloc’ allocate?
  25. Eli Bendersky's website Projections and Projection Matrices
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