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  1. Eli Bendersky's website Locally patching dependencies in Go
  2. Linus Groh Kiesel Devlog #9: JavaScript on a Printer
  3. flak enterprise social
  4. Computer Things Solving a math problem with planner programming
  5. Ludicity On Burnout, Mental Health, And Not Being Okay
  6. Loris Cro's Personal Website Improving Your Zig Language Server Experience
  7. Notes on software development A write-ahead log is not a universal part of durability
  8. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's blog Cities need more trees
  9. newsletter on Odin Programming Language July 2024 Newsletter
  10. Eli Bendersky's website Summary of reading: April - June 2024
  11. Daniel Lemire's blog How much memory does a call to ‘malloc’ allocate?
  12. Eli Bendersky's website Projections and Projection Matrices
  13. Computer Things A brief introduction to interval arithmetic
  14. tonsky.me Local, first, forever
  15. Ludicity Synergy Greg
  16. Daniel Lemire's blog Performance tip: avoid unnecessary copies
  17. Computer Things Logic for Programmers Update
  18. Daniel Lemire's blog Validating gigabytes of Unicode strings per second… in C#?
  19. Ludicity I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again
  20. Weblog on marginalia.nu One year of solo dev, wrapping up the grant-funded work
  21. Notes on software development The limitations of LLMs, or why are we doing RAG?
  22. Computer Things New blog post: Composing TLA+ Specifications
  23. </> htmx - high power tools for html htmx 2.0.0 has been released!
  24. Hillel Wayne Composing TLA+ Specifications with State Machines
  25. yield code(); Tips for improving your CV
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